Public Records Request Procedures
The Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (Pool) shall collect the following fees for information provided as a request for public records pursuant to RCW 42.56:
A customized service charge may be imposed if the request requires the use of technology expertise to prepare date compilations or customized access. If the agency determines that a customized service charge applies, the requestor will be notified and a deposit of 10% of the estimated charges will be required.
Public Records Requests should be mailed to the attention of WSTIP's Public Records Officer. Requested records will be made available during WSTIP's regular office hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Public Records Officer
PO Box 11219
Olympia, WA 98508
The following records are available online:
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Financial and Accountability Audits 2005-2015
Auditor Reports 2016 - Current
Resolutions passed 1988-2005
Local Government Self-Insured Program Examination Reports